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Updated: Jul 7, 2022

As 2022 began… God gave me the word FAITH to lead me. For about 4 weeks, He led me through a freeing study of What faith is, How to faith, Why faith and then Now faith. What I gathered seems so simple, but the life changing transformation that was birthed from God’s revelation has been nothing but profound. Faith is a steadfast hope that God is who He says He is and He will do what He said He will do. As my heart aligns with this fact, God is given access to my beliefs/ convictions and I let Him test them. It is in the wrestling that I respond and make the applicable adjustments to the new revelation in my life. I am able to bask in the evidence of active faith in my life. (Faith-rest life, peace, hope)

Because I invite the wrestling, I do not know why I was caught off guard when testing began. It was a subtle tug at first, that progressed into an all out war in my mind. To walk so closely with revelation for weeks and then the teacher gets silent, it can be startling. So I did what any crazy person who is madly in love with God would do. I began working on the last thing He said do. This wouldn’t have been a terrible thing had I included God into the planning and building. But did I do that? No. I thought I could carry it on my own. As I did, the vision got blurry. My way got questionable. My plans got sloppy. Do not worry my dear friends, my God is good! He didn’t let me sit there. He came after His wayward sheep… and when He did, He reminded me of something. He reminded me of the plans, the vision, most importantly the why. Because this was a God idea, execution will require God-faith to complete it.

So as a reminder to my “anointed doers” as my girl Ledora would say, do not get so caught up in doing that you forget your why. My God’s love for you is not found in the work. Remember He has always wanted to just be with you. So think about doing the things with God not apart from Him.

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Writer's picture: Jasmine JanaeJasmine Janae

Updated: Jul 7, 2022

So boom… (I just love it, when someone begins a story like this.) God says it is time to come out of hiding. Yes. He says that the cave life aint it. That’s really the whole post but for the sake of eliminating negative space I’ll expound on the thought. The life God has destined you for, cannot reach its full potential if you remain in hiding.

I’ve recently began an extremely short study on diamonds. I’ll give you the cliff notes. Diamonds are considered to be the hardest substance on earth. They are also one of the most sought-after stones. There process of becoming is actually strenuous. All the notes say extreme heat and real pressure are required. Sounds like my life. I think that was the whole point. (stay focused) Without the process and the exposing we would never be able to admire such beauty.

But what if someone went in search of these diamonds and found them and hid them in a cave. What would have been the point of finding something so rare and of such value to tuck it away? This is essentially what we do when we reject the call in our hearts from God. We voluntarily decide to live in a cave. A cave that was never meant to hold or push or grow us.

So here I am today, stepping out of my cave. Allowing the Son to hit me and revive me. I never even knew that being exposed to God’s light would reveal so much beauty inside of me. Actually, me stepping into God’s desires for my life with She Is Strong unveiled so much that I would never have been able to see if I stayed inside of that darkness. So I encourage you my dear sister. Come out. Walk into His light.

2 Corinthians 3:18 We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus.[a] We are being transfigured[b] into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another.[c] And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

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